I wrote this in response to a book I recently finished. It needs to go through a few more drafts. The writing is a bit sloppy and the end is far too angsty.

However, I must admit I found the angst hilariously delightful. Every time I read the end I burst into a fit of giggling.

I’ve learned to be afraid
The words that flew like winged ships
Now languish, bound and staid
Wild words which ran with screams and howls
Dare not to misbehave
They starch their shirts
And clear their throats
Stilted and cliched

I’ve learned to be afraid
For ever verb
That slips my lips
And burns upon the page
Another ten of fear and doubt
Drown the first in rage

I’ve learned to be afraid
And from there springs forth
My gravest sin
And grows my greatest shame

The page, it lies
Both white and dead

And my soul?

Feels much the same

About this blog

You should look at the first post.

But if I must sum up? This blog is for the joy of writing.